Supporting our community

We support the following initiatives:

Trees That Count

“Trees That Count mobilises businesses, planters and individuals to restore Aotearoa’s unique biodiversity, take action on climate risk and grow a brighter future through the planting of native trees.” We choose to support this, in acknowledgement that working with print means we’re using paper and printing processes to produce physical items, and that has an environmental impact.


OMGTech! gives tamariki and rangatahi access to technologies that will shape their futures. They provide technology workshops and leadership mentoring.


Greenpeace is an independent, global environmental campaigning organisation. Their mission is to ensure Earth’s ability to nurture life in all its diversity, taking on the big issues and seeking to bring about systemic change.


We’re also a fan of these groups who are doing great things in Aotearoa. We’re keeping an eye on them, and look forward to supporting them as our ability to do so grows!

Kai Ika

The Kai Ika Project utilises fish heads, frames and offal which were previously going to waste. These are redistributed to families and community groups who value these fish parts and enjoy their sweet flesh. “When we strip everything back to the bare necessity food insecurity is an environmental issue.”

Kotahi – Arts Foundation Te Tumu Toi

This collective “boosts opportunities for artists and amplifies their impact on New Zealand.”

